Ben Doyle, The Golf Machine Blog

I took lessons from Ben Doyle in the early 1970’s and I learned a lot about The Golf Machine. It’s amazing how many young teachers are still using that book and that precise terminology that was written 50+ years ago. Most of them think it’s “all new, cutting edge information”. Actually the terminology and odd way the book was put together in a manual form remains highly interesting to a group of young teachers who have dabbled in physics or engineering. Recent US Amateur Champion Bryson DeChambeau, is a physics major and has used parts of TGM to build his very unique way of swinging the club and building his set up clubs, wedge through putter. He’s obviously a very smart young man and definitely uses facets of TGM, the parts I believe are the most important aspects of a golf swing he learned from that book.
51KATCFV9NL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_I went to see Homer Kelley at his Seattle home in 1977 and spent a day with him. He’s the author of the Golf Machine book. Homer wrote the book and then became friends with the much more credible golf professional, Ben Doyle had the ability and credibility to bring it to the golf world. I spent many hours in the garage with Homer Kelly where he had all of his gadgets, tools, and the swing plane “sheet of plastic”. Mac O’Grady made that same trek to meet with Homer and got a lot out of the time they spent together. Mac O’Grady built most of his theories on that book and he became a tremendous ball striker. I knew Mac when his name was Phil McGleno and we played on the same 6 month NGA mini tour in Southern California. Now Bryson is doing something similar to O’Grady, so we will stay tuned to his progress. I’ve already had a few highly interesting talks with Bryson about TGM and the way he thinks of his swing.
Ben Doyle brought The Golf Machine to the world, but Mac O’Grady did too. More recently Mike Bennett and Andy Plummer, who teach Stack and Tilt, used huge amounts of information they took from Ben Doyle. They bought all of his teaching aids and visited with him numerous times at his California driving range. But they basically took one page from TGM book, as Ben Doyle said to me.
I went to see Ben Doyle in California prior to the 1st stage of the 1973 tour school and I’ll write about that in following paragraphs, but working more extensively with Ben after missing the final stage of tour school, I started to drive the golf ball poorly. Then my long game gradually got worse practicing the TGM, and I drifted off many of the ideas Ben stressed so hard to me. I came to realize that some of the basic ideas taught by most Golf Machine teachers turned out to be highly detrimental to a good player, while at the same time most of the ideas are actually very good for the basic chopper (high handicap player). I’d have to say that this was part of my process of teaching golf differently to low skilled players, to mid range players, and then to high grade players. It’s a piece of the teaching system I developed for instructing golf at all levels of competency.
The ideas put forth from Homer’s book were not original but were instead gleaned from books he had read and studied. The ideas Homer Kelly penned did not come from actually speaking to other teachers or top players, but rather from Homer’s adaption of what he read and observed in photography. The way he wrote the book, however, was unique. Do your own reading and find out for yourself. Bryson DeChambeau and his teacher definitely took a far different route than any Golf Machine teacher I have ever seen, or heard of to date. I know Bryson has done serious work with his teacher and others he trusts on his golf swing. They built “his swing”.
Regarding where the information originally came from to write TGM, specifically the ideas Homer wrote came directly from the writing of Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan, Sam Snead and Percy Huggins, plus others I am probably missing.
After Homer gave me one of his TGM books I went over it with my father, who was a Boeing engineer and also a very fine golfer. He could understand it easily.
Homer Kelly was a terrible golfer. I wonder if people know that!  Yet he put together an intriguing book full of engineering terms and put it into a detailed manual form that still captures the minds of young teachers and those looking for the scientific secrets to golf. There are lots of interesting subjects in that book, but he had no bibliography and credited no other teachers. The idea of two different swing ideas was written far before the swinger and the hitter in TGM If you look carefully at the other previous works I mentioned above you would see the same basic ideas encased inside TGM. Homer just put some of those words into different terminology and sometimes into different terms within his book. I don’t think Homer played much golf and he was not a golf instructor. His bag of clubs were on a pull cart in the garage and were of poor quality.
Ben Doyle,on the other hand, loved to teach and play. I knew Ben at an early age from playing tournament golf in the Northwest and when Ben was the head pro at the prestigious Broadmoor Golf Club in Seattle, where I played from time to time. But I didn’t take lessons from Ben until my early 20’s down in Monterrey, California. He had moved there and was teaching at Carmel Valley Ranch in Carmel, California. That’s where I first met a young Bobby Clampett. Ben taught Clampett, and Bobby would become an incredible amateur and win an event on the PGA tour.
My teaching time with Ben Doyle went like this, I had already been an All American at the U of Houston and those teams had won the NCAA twice and finished 2nd the other two years. I had won just about everything on the West Coast as an amateur and would later go into the Northwest HOF for my playing record. But going into my first tour school I wanted to get better, so I stopped to see Ben who was building a fine reputation in California. I was amazed at all of his contraptions and his new unique golf language. I was mesmerized. He was teaching dawn to dusk and we hit it off really well. We remained friends the rest of his life and he even did a few schools with me at my Texas facility in 2012. Ben always wanted to convert me to a GM teacher, but that never happened. Having studied intensely with great teachers like Carl Welty, Ken Venturi, Jackie Burke, Gardner Dickinson, Al Mengert, Claude Harmon, and my Dad I saw long ago obvious holes in that book and the over complication of golf machine teaching terminology was unnecessary for most golfers, in my opinion. Plus I had been to Homer’s house and spoken with him about teaching. I just could not compare him to the great teachers and players I had played and studied under. No way.
I saw lots of good professional players go to Ben Doyle, and other GM teachers, and most not improve. What I saw on the positive side was his work with juniors, beginners and intermediate golfers. Why did good players often get worse? The killer concepts for good players were the center post key idea, (which no good player does), the idea of hitting the inside quadrant of the golf ball, and hitting inside out.  Again these were good ideas for higher handicaps encouraging an inside out attack and reducing a lot of unnecessary lateral movement, but that inside out action is highly dangerous for the better player. Another bad idea was/is the concept of lagging the club “as much as possible”. This old lag idea has been taught “to an extreme” in most TGM teaching. A positive note on this subject, is that a young junior golfer cannot hold the lag too long. The club shaft will always catch up and release. So that’s OK. However an older, stronger player can over lag the club head. A high handicap golfer or short hitting amateur almost always needs more lag, but a strong young, talented golfer can over lag the club and really damage the trajectory of long iron shots and for sure hurt their driving. That’s what happened to me and it’s my own fault. I worked on absolutely zero head movement and massive lag and I pretty much achieved it. I worked on those things very hard. Like some other golf machine students I worked on the wrong things. I started hitting low drivers that sometimes went not only too low, but also right with a fade. That’s a killer shot for a player with good speed. Lots of young teachers are hammering these three dangerous terms to everybody they teach to this day.
Golf Machine teachers have often taught no weight shift (the centered swing) or in some cases even a reverse weight shift (keeping weight on the forward leg during the backswing). That’s just one page out of The Golf Machine book. You can hit great irons with this method, but it’s terrible for driving. See Jack Nicklaus, Greg Norman, Rory McIIroy, Bubba Watson, Jordan Speith, Henrik Stenson, Colin Montgomery, Adam Scott, Davis Love, Vijay Singh and all the great drivers who make wide takeaways and have obvious weight shift. They all get behind the ball on long shots. Slam dunk.
Golfers love methods. Modern methods lean more and more to equations, formula’s, detailed biometric answers and often “The Golf Machine” complicating instruction. What readers don’t see in The Golf Machine is that Homer Kelly actually wrote that there were millions of golf swing combinations. Yet most GM teachers still focus on small sections of the book when they teach that golf swing version to everybody. Maybe that will eventually change as minds open and golf research gets a whole lot better. For sure the modern teacher has so much more to use in analyzing golf swings and understanding the physics involved in the swing can be highly seductive. I see numerous teachers giving out super technical information. Yet for top teaching it’s always how much information you give a student, and when you parcel it out.
TGM is a very mechanical way of learning the golf swing and even though it contains great ideas, many teachers leave out the feel and intuitive part of great golf. The Golf Machine may always remain as a cult book, but to believe it completely you have to ignore what great pro players truly achieve in their swings. It’s also a very tough method on the body (particularly the back), putting major stress on the golfer trying to stay under and behind the ball through impact and finish.
Here’s a few things no PGA tour player really does in their swing:
1. Nobody has a totally stationary head. This was taught by every TGM teacher forever.
2. Nobody swings inside out across the target-line.
3. All tour players release the stored lag they have in their golf swings. They don’t over lag the golf club driving the hands and shaft far ahead of the ball with a block.
4a TGM instructors usually taught their students to keep the back heel on the ground at impact. Just check out the top tour players hitting full shots. Back heel is off the ground. I think this is gradually fading away. Dying a slow death. I note that a few tour players do,in fact, have the back heel on the ground. So I noted the (a). Not any of the young guns though.

There are tour players who have gone to TGM full out and ended up off the tour, or at least became worse ball strikers than they were even as junior golfers. They did not get better if they went to it after being on the tour. I know quite few players have tried these ideas or gone to Golf Machine ideas when their games waned, but I’ve seen no miracles.
The idea of a bent right wrist release (for a right handed golfer) at and past impact is one way to play for sure, but the great drivers don’t have a backward bent trailing wrist for long after impact. Keeping the lag deep into the follow through is a weaker way to play for sure. The bowed lead wrist and the bent right wrist leads eventually to a drag and flip release on long shots and also to much inside out.

A little bit of The Golf Machine can be very good, but jumping in head first has ramifications that golfers don’t expect. I certainly learned many things over decades from GM teachers I’ve known. I had a long relationship with Ben Doyle, who just passed away this last year. I miss my talking with him. I also had another great friend, Dave Collins, who knew a

U.S. Amateur Champion, Bryson DeChambeu
U.S. Amateur Champion, Bryson DeChambeu

tremendous amount of TGM and a lot of Mac O’Grady.  Dave taught with me for a long time. Mike Bennett took lessons from Dave Collins when Dave worked for me at Sleepy Hollow CC in New York. Many other JMGS teachers also know a lot of TGM. I encourage this because there is so much useful information to learn and glean.  But too much scientific information in teaching the game of golf can be very dangerous. We all know the “paralysis by analysis” analogies. “Over teaching” is almost always bad. Over thinking is bad!  We all know that in extreme cases it can even lead to “the yips”. Trying to be to perfect has brought down many a golfer. Golf is an athletic endeavor that requires tempo, timing, and feel, all of which can disappear in having an algorithm in your brain for every move in the swing. Sure there is trigonometry, geometry, swing plane, swing vectors, and analytical equations possible to explain in a swing. Since Homer Kelly there has been many more additions to golf swing mechanics, especially with 3D biomechanics and pressure mapping. All leading to increased intellectual knowledge. The knowledge of what should happen is, however, quite different than actually being able to do it yourself. For example a tremendous biomechanics person might be able to explain the golf swing with incredible precision. It’s great that they can explain every move you should make but why is it that they themselves might not be able to hit a decent golf shot? Explain that?  Line up the top 20 players in the world and just look at the size difference, hand size, shoulder width, shoe size, arm length, and leg length to name just a few differences. Golf is an outdoor game played by human beings in all kinds of varying conditions. Every person themselves is just a little different everyday, too. How much can you think about in the 1 second of a golf swing? How much do you want to think? A big increase in a new golf language started with Ben Doyle way back in Seattle, Washington because he believed so much in Homer Kelly and TGM. I’m glad I knew him.

Ben Doyle, The Golf Machine Blog

13 thoughts on “Ben Doyle, The Golf Machine Blog

  1. Wayne watts says:

    You might want to actually read the book and do a little more studying on the subject matter of TGM. Mostly false assumptions. I could elaborate if needed

  2. johndhobbins says:

    A very interesting take on TGM and its teachers. I also spent time with Ben Doyle in Carmel when I was the Director of the Golf Digest Schools .Many on our staff at that time liked TGM and some were in over their heads. There are parts of it that I like for the average player though I feel that little was done with the lower body participation in the golf swing. I am certain that TGM’ers will not care for the position Jim has taken on this. Knowing Jimas I do you can be sure that he has done his homework.

  3. Air Airsen. says:

    You don’t even know how to spell his name correctly. It’s Homer Kelley. I dare you to dicuss this with Lynn Blake. He can tell where you are wrong.

  4. Gregg Mc Hatton. PGA says:

    The work that Mr Kelley put into his book was remarkable. He spent 28 years writing the first edition. The ability that Mr Ben Doyle had to explain and convey these concepts was evolutionary. The work of these two brilliant and creative men will touch and influence how golf is taught for many years. Their reach is unquestionable. I can only imagine with the data available today what the 20th edition of “The Golfing Machine” might be like.

    I can confidently say that my teaching has been significantly improved for having spent time with both of these men. The obligation that Mr Doyle felt to improve every player that ever came to him was one of his many exceptional traits.

    I can’t begin to thank them enough for their relentless dedication and commitment.

    Postscript: Watching Bryson De Chambeau and his journey to reach his potential is very exciting!!

  5. For someone who has studied the book since 2000, I wanted to say that this is a very thoughtful, objective and balanced analysis of the book.

    Many of its followers fail to realize that the world has changed since its publication and that it is but a man’s observation of the golf swing.

    As cutting edge as it was during the time of publication, it is inescapable that it is written by a man who never played golf to a level that can be labeled as ‘decent’. Therefore, it would be a stretch to think he would be able to understand movement pattern of the body in the manner a better player would.

    Juxtaposing what Homer observes against the reality of an elite swing shows a divide.

    In addition, the ambiguous language lends itself readily to misinterpretation and confusion as has been witnessed by the various TGM camps over the years.

    Why not just use universally accepted anatomical terms? I have thought about this for many years and my conclusion is that Homer’s research was insufficient to reach that level.

    Followers who have placed their unwavering faith in this method would be best placed to ask questions and benchmark against what elite golfers really do.

    1. If you continue reading the blog you’ll find that I said “Again these were good ideas for higher handicaps encouraging an inside out attack and reducing a lot of unnecessary lateral movement, but that inside out action is highly dangerous for the better player.”

  6. PerryMattingly says:

    I think that may be one of the most well thought out compliments you could write. I am prone to agree with Jim’s take on the golfing machine. Whether you subscribe to TGM or Jim or multitudes of other famous teachers I can make a guarantee right now. By Saturday on the 11th or 12th hole you will be questioning it or your ability to assimilate it.

  7. As Ben Doyle’s grandson I found this blog an interesting read. I’m very excited to see how Bryson progresses under the tutelage of Mike Schy, and the amazing equipment David Edel makes for Bryson. Schy and Edel were both long time “Doylers” or disciples of Ben. I also wish you the best Jim with Lucy Li! I got to meet and spend time with her when she was maybe 4 years old, and first started working with grandpa Ben at Quail Lodge (Previously Carmel Valley Country Club). Everyone enjoyed watching her during the Women’s U.S. Open.

    TGM is what you make of it, Steve Elkington said “I’ve never read a statement in The Golfing Machine that was wrong.” There are so many variations in TGM of how to swing the golf club, and Bryson is a great example of that.

    Congratulations Jim on your recent induction into The World Teachers Hall of Fame. I didn’t get a chance to meet you while I was at the teaching and coaching summit last year in Orlando when you were inducted, but maybe sometime in the future.

    All the best

  8. These people today act like they do the service but are liars. I spent so much money for them clean everything and only 28 days later when I have other people come take a peek that they stated it was filthy and cleaned it for me with proper machinery. AND CHARGED LESS! I phoned and spoke to supervisor she would not do anything for me I needed to pay for the identical job done twice and believed it was just right they give me my money back they said they’d get back to me and that they NEVER did! I called and called and they never respond. AND when the man came to my house to wash it he didn’t even have a mask on! I could not believe it! I was so mad like he goes house to house and can’t even put on a mask. That is why COVID still spreads. I will never deal with them again. TRUST ME YOU CAN FIND BETTER AND WAYY CHEAPER! They’re

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